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If you have a question or would like to receive material regarding certification or our consulting services, please feel free to contact us.

Use the contact information on this page or fill out the contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


Elisabeth Thordal Bøgeskov

Psychologist and psychometrician

Tel. 61 31 25 88

Elisabeth is the office psychometrician and partner at PeopleTools. She’s a psychologist, but of the special breed that not only loves people, but also numbers and statistics. She is quite factual, structured and detail-oriented, and this comes through when she ensures that we measure people’s personalities as accurately as possible. Her interest in human interaction is expressed when she teaches on the certification course, assists in recruitment or enjoys a good chat and sparring with our users on a daily basis.

In her free time, the combination of structure and impulsiveness in Elisabeth’s profile means her calendar fills up quickly. She enjoys the company of a large circle of friends, traveling the world and a good sweat at CrossFit, and she even has a national team title under her belt from the niche sport Ultimate Frisbee.


Jane Salby

Senior Consultant, Partner and Aut. Psychologist

Tel. 31 41 05 36

Jane is one of the office’s Senior Consultants, she has a Master’s degree in Psychology from Aarhus University, “all the way back from the Middle Ages” aka 2007.

Most recently, Jane has immersed herself in Open Dialogue Meeting Management and she is concerned with creating dialog without being controlling and expert, which correlates well with Jane’s mark in Ydmyg.

Jane provides training in certifications, personal profiling, consultancy, and recruitment support and advice.

Jane has a good eye for development, but won’t initiate without some planning and structure, as she says she has a “black belt in the discipline of calendar warfare”.

Leisure time is spent locally in Skanderborg in an old townhouse from 1885 with conservation value 5. The house purchase is part of Jane’s profile, where she likes to take calculated risks. In addition, she spends her free time supporting and transporting her 11-year-old son, who she says is a future Schmeichel for the national team. He certainly doesn’t have the same impact in Ydmyg as his mother.


Poul Mouritsen

(Only reachable by mail)

Tel. 70 27 72 70

Poul is the owner of PeopleTools and works with “a little bit of everything” according to the others in the office. He originally trained as an officer in the army and spent 10 years in the defense forces. Subsequently, Poul has worked in the business world in HR and as a consultant. He has supplemented his education with an HD in organization, two consulting courses, project management certification and a whole lot more.

He spends much of his time developing the company in relation to both customers and products. He also handles a good part of PeopleTools’ consulting tasks, with a particular focus on recruitment tasks and support for management teams.

Leisure time is active and always has been, which is probably related to a relatively high results orientation, introversion and a somewhat holistic approach to things. Orienteering, adventure racing, hiking, cycling, etc. take up a lot of my free time, along with my family and dog (who is often dragged into the forest and mountains).

Niels 1

Niels Sparre


Tel. 40 71 14 00

Niels Sparre is a cand. and eMBA in Business Psychology and has experience as both a manager and consultant.

Niels’ focus is on recruitment, leadership teams and strategy execution, and with a significant score on “Result”, Niels gets the team that actually delivers. In addition, his score on “Approachability” means he challenges the dialog and holds firm so that the important and relevant things are talked about.

His free time is mainly focused on physical activities – and he loves the mountains in both summer and winter.


Nina Rathje Christensen

Consultant, Stud.Cand.Psych

Tel. 7027 7270

The text is on its way


Emilie Ringgaard

Consultant, Stud.Cand.Psych

Tel. 7027 7270

The text is on its way

Egil Storaas

Egil Storaas

Norwegian partner

Richard Svarre

Richard Svarre

Swedish partner

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